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Taurus Season

 taurus season

taurus season
taurus season
taurus season
antique bull taurus zodiac sign astrology jewelry

Taurus Season!

Welcome to Taurus Season! 
April 21 - May 21
Herbs: apple blossom, cumin, fig-wort, lovage
Flower: lily
Birthstone: (April) diamond (May) emerald

Crystals: amazonite, selenite, smoky quartz

It's my season! I'm clearly a true Taurus with a love for all the beautiful, shiny things! Below you'll find a selection of the current Taurus jewelry available in the shop if you're looking to show off your zodiac sign in style!

Vintage silver taurus ring zodiac sign jewelry

Vintage silver taurus zodiac sign charm necklace

Vintage taurus necklace zodiac sign jewelry

Vintage taurus necklace zodiac sign jewelry

Vintage taurus bull ring zodiac sign jewelry

Vintage taurus necklace zodiac sign jewelry

Taurus charm necklace zodiac sign jewelry

Taurus ring zodiac sign jewelry

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