Exciting news! I couldn't wait to share and give you a sneak peek... 10 brand new designs for the wax cast collection just headed out to the casters! Each of these pieces were hand sculpted or carved to create wax models. From here a mold will be made of each and then they'll be cast in brass and sterling silver. They'll be released May 7th (be sure to sign up for the newsletter if you'd like alerts)! There will be lots of earrings in this batch... eye hoops! snake hoops! oval tassel earrings and a floral statement earring with labradorite teardrops! There are also two new rings... a floral forget me not ring inspired by an Art Deco design and a dainty ouroboros (snake eating its own tail). There's an evil eye bangle, a snake hair pin, a reversible night & day (sunburst on one side/ moon and stars on the other) charm holder and a spell charm necklace (for love, luck, health & protection!)! I tried to really push myself to create pieces that were more technical and try some new things... I hope you're as excited as I am to see them in metal!