There's something about the end of the year that really lights a fire under me to start prepping for the next so I can start off completely fresh. This year that looked like a major reorganization in my studio... I tidied, purged and shifted things around to be able to better utilize the space (it's tiny!).
One of my favorite newer annual traditions is to do a twelve card tarot spread on new year's eve asking the cards the theme for each of the months ahead. I take some time to really sit with the themes and write myself some notes that I'll refer to all year long. It truly helps me plan ahead and I highly recommend it! The cards I pulled for 2022 really spoke to the new creative projects I have on the horizon and exploring new skills...
I've wanted to learn how to carve wax to cast my own jewelry designs for years now but for one reason or another it's always ended up on the back burner. But get ready because this is the year! I'm so excited to show you what I've been dreaming up. It's going to open up a whole new realm of jewelry possibilities! It's only day one but I'm already so in love with the process.
I'm hopeful about what 2022 holds in store for all of us and am wishing you all the very best as we move through this new year.
If you've been looking for a tarot deck to help guide you on your journey you can find both the holographic Smith Waite deck and the Anima Mundi deck in the shop.