*Let's make the charm jewelry of your dreams - A la carte charm jewelry has arrived!

Cancer Season

cancer season
crab cancer zodiac sign
cancer season
cancer season

Cancer Season!

Welcome to Cancer Season!
June 22 - July 22
Herbs: adder's tongue, alder (black), agrimony, balm, betony (water), daisies
Flower: white rose

Birthstone: (June) pearl or alexandrite (July) rubyCrystals: selenite, labradorite, red jasper

Below you'll find a collection of crab themed jewelry currently available in the shop for all my bbs born under the zodiac sign of Cancer! 

vintage zodiac earrings

vintage zodiac ring

vintage zodiac brooch

zodiac charm necklace

zodiac necklace

vintage zodiac charm necklace

vintage zodiac ring

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